Many of us spend an increasing amount of time at our desks. Working at our computers, often alone in small cubicles, we spend endless hours staring at our screens. With smaller offices than many people had in the past, today’s flexible office spaces often translate into large amounts of time in the tiniest of spaces. It should come as no surprise then that there are a growing number of accessories available to brighten up these small work environments.
Mini gifts, including small painting sets and USB vacuums, make for very popular Christmas and birthday presents. As people look for ways to create desktop gardens or to find the worlds smallest vacuum that can actually be used to clean a keyboard, we seem to be desperate for a way to customize these work places where we spend so much of our time.
Mini Gifts for Desks and Cubicles Continue to Grow in Popularity as People Spend More Time Working
No matter where you work, it is always important to work on building relationships. From coworkers to bosses, it is easier to make your way through stressful deadlines and long workdays if you have a good relationship with those around you. In fact, 58.79% of respondents to a 2015 UGiftIdeas survey indicated that they agreed gift giving makes their relationships more meaningful. And while a gift does not have to be big or expensive, there are many times when a thoughtful gift exchange can make a difference.
Even though many people acknowledge the importance of gifts, many of us still wait delay making these purchases. For instance, nearly 25% of the U.S. population admits to waiting until the last minute to purchase gifts. There was a time when office Christmas parties were full of lots of alcohol and late night stories that would make their way through the office for weeks. As times change, however, it should come as no surprise that there are fewer of these formal celebrations. This does not mean, however, that workers have quit taking the time to let others know that they are much appreciated.