Why Coffee Labels are So Important

When it comes to a product like coffee, how something is marketing is everything. A lot of these marketing decisions come down to how something is packaged. Improving the packaging of your coffee and other products can dramatically increase your sales across the board.

One way to switch up the packaging on your coffee products is introducing some new custom packaging. Creating custom bag labels can make your product stand out on the shelves. If you’re going to go that route, it is usually the most cost-effective to purchase coffee bags bulk style. That way you can save money on the cost of ordering printed coffee bags, and use the saved money for more important considerations like the design itself.

Some studies have suggested that when businesses spend a lot of their focus on the packaging of their products, that consumers respond to the products 30 percent better. In fact, 85 percent of consumers say that the packaging of an item informs their decision of whether they should buy it or not. This might include the imagery shown on the front of a package, or it might include the text used to describe the product. It just goes to show that you that the packaging can be more important than what’s on the inside, at least for first-time buyers. After that, the product has to continue speaking for itself.

These facts about consumers and product labels are true across the board, but they are particularly important when it comes to a product like coffee. There is a lot of competition in the coffee market, but it is also extremely popular so people need options. Around 54 percent of Americans drink coffee every day, and many of them are the ones that are making purchasing decisions about coffee.

When you’re thinking about the perfect coffee bag design, don’t be afraid to get creative, but simple designs work great too. As long as they are straightforward and appealing a great coffee label will take you a long way. You might want to test out some labels with a focus group before deciding on one. And then once you have found the perfect option, the next step is ordering coffee bags bulk style.

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